Salon or mobile hairdresser?
I prefer being a mobile hairdresser as I am able to provide a much more personal service to my clients. Some people who feel self...
Bored of your hair?
Now we have reached Spring, and it doesn't look like the weather is improving very much. With snow days keeping us housebound, and days...
Hair protection for busy women.
Today I am going to suggest some ways you can help prevent your hair from damage. This is something I am regularly asked, and this is a...
Au Naturale?
Today I am going to suggest various ways you can experiment with different colours, but minimise the maintenance. I will also define some...
Creepy Crawlies
Now that the children have gone back to school, its not going to be long before one of their classmates gets nits. With autumn on its...
Self-care means career longevity
There has been many posts I have read recently about self-care. This term, refers too not just looking after your body, i.e. exercise,...
Hair Breakage: how to prevent and rescue!
Today I wanted to discuss hair breakage. This is not a problem that everyone has experienced, but most people will at some point. To...
Hairdressing Terminology
Everybody has had that experience. You know. When you walk out of the hairdressers, get home, and say, 'That's not what i asked for!'...
Ways to improve the condition of your hair.
Everybody wants their hair to look its best. With changing a few simple parts of your daily hair routine, you can make a difference,. 1)...
Hairdressing Wymondham
Spring is finally here! With the start of a new season, why not change up your look with a new hairstyle? Spring means we can no longer...