How to prolong washing your hair.
How many times a week do you wash your hair? Every day, every other day, two or three times a week? Does the thought of washing your hair less make you curl up your toes and cringe? Why not think again? Lots of people are in the habit of washing their hair every morning when they have a shower, without thinking about if their hair is dirty or not. Or perhaps they feel that their hair needs washing. Why does it matter?

Every time you wash your hair you are also removing natural oils from your scalp and hair, which help maintain the hairs moisture. By over-washing your hair, it will feel dry, as you have stripped away the moisture. If you wash your hair less, not only will the hair look shinier, colours will last longer and your hair will be less exposed to the heat from daily blow-dries. But how can you combat the need to wash your hair?
Hair feels greasy
Some people have naturally oily scalps. but by washing your hair too much, your scalp will over produce oil, as every time you shampoo the hair, you are stimulating the sebum glands.
-Avoid using any shampoos which are moisturising, most shampoos that are not clear are moisturising. Never use hot water.
-Start small. If you wash your hair daily, begin by aiming to was your hair every other day, and gradually extend the days in between washing. To help you do this, whilst you are still training your hair, use a dry shampoo. This will soak up the oil and make your hair smell fresh,
-Try to avoid touching your hair and over brushing it.
-Instead of washing your hair. rinse it with Apple Cider Vinegar on an in between day.
-Instead of wearing your hair down, try a smooth, slicked back style. If you work in an environment cooking or serving food, you will find the food smells will stick less to your hair, than when it is freshly washed.
-Try a clarifying shampoo. I like Moroccanoil Clarifying Shampoo, or one containing tea tree.
If you cannot bear to wash your hair less, due to working out regularly and working up a sweat, buy a gentle shampoo from the wholesalers or your hairdresser. There are also some good organic shampoos from Holland and Barrett which are good.
Hair sticks up or looks messy.

Damp the hair down in the shower, using lukewarm water, or a water spray.
Hair is fine, so when unwashed, looks flat.
Try using a dry shampoo. This will serve a duel purpose. By working it into the roots it will absorb any excess oils. but it will also act as a root booster. Another good product to use is the powder root boosters, such as Swarzkopf got2be.
Try a hot air brush, to revive and volumize day old hairstyles.
Give the challenge of washing your hair less a go, you might be surprised how you get on. Try and plan your hair washes; for example if you are going out, you could wash your hair on the day, then have the no shampoo day after. You could also try not to wash it on days when you are not going anywhere. Winters a great time to start, as hats can hide a multitude of bad hair days!